ISSN : 1300-2945
eISSN : 1308-9889
Abstract - The Evaluation of Patients with Tuberculosis Treated in Batman Tuberculosis Control Dispensary in 2003 Year
Tekin Yıldız, Levent Akyıldız, Güngör Ateş

Dicle Üniv. Tıp Fak. Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Tüberküloz A.D. Email:

Tuberculosis is a very important problem for public health all around the world. In this study, 168 patients with TB who were treated in Batman Tuberculosis Control Dispensary in 2003 were retrospectively assessed. Ninety six of our cases were male, 72 were female. Eighty one patients who underwent for the tuberculous treatment were with pulmonary tuberculosis and 87 cases were with extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Acid fast bacilli (AFB) at sputum was positive in 66.17% of the cavitary pulmonary TB cases before treatment and only one patient’s sputum was positive in pulmonary tuberculosis without cavity. Results of the tuberculosis treatment of cases revealed that one case left the treatment, 3 patients were inharmonious, 3 patients were dead, 161 patients were cured. Success rate of treatment was 95,83% (5 of these cases were cured and 156 patients completed the treatment). These data suggest that in order to increase the rate of the cure, bacteriological examination of the sputum should be considered at the end of the treatment like as the beginning.

Batman Verem Savaşı Dispanseri’nde 2003 Yılında Takip Edilen Tüberküloz Olgularının Analizi

Tüberküloz (TB) tüm dünyada önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunu olmaya devam etmektedir. Batman Verem Savaşı Dispanseri’nde (VSD) 2003 yılında TB tanısıyla tedavi başlanan 72’si kadın 96’sı erkek toplam 168 olgu incelendi. Olguların 81’inin akciğer TB, 25’inin çocuk TB, 20’sinin plevra TB, 16’sının gastrointestinal sistem TB, 8’inin menenjit TB, 8’inin kemik-eklem TB, 8’inin lenfadenit TB, 1’inin milier TB ve 1’inin larenks TB olduğu anlaşıldı. Pulmoner TB olgularında ARB pozitiflik oranı; 68 kaviteli olgunun 45’inde(%66.17), 13 kavitesiz olgunun ise sadece 1’inde (%7.69) pozitif idi.Olguların tedavi sonuçları: Tedaviyi terk 1 olgu, işbirliği yapmayan 3 olgu, vefat 3 olgu, şifa 161 olgu şeklindeydi. Tedavi başarısı (5 olguda kür + 156 olguda tedaviyi tamamlama) oranı % 95,83 olarak bulundu. Mevcut veriler kür oranını artırmak için bakteriyolojik incelemelerin tedavi sonlandırılırken de ısrarla yapılması gerektiğini düşündürmektedir.

Volume 34, Number 1 (2007)